Scenicness ratings for photographs in London

Below is a map you can explore which shows the data you generated. Thank you all very much for your help!

Mean Ratings
1.0 - 2.4
2.4 - 2.8
2.8 - 3.3
3.3 - 4.0
4.0 - 9.3

Photographs with the highest ratings

Image Number of Ratings Mean Rating

Report this image
8 9.375

Report this image
8 9.0

Report this image
8 8.375

Report this image
8 8.375

Report this image
8 8.25

Report this image
8 8.125

Report this image
8 8.125

Report this image
8 8.125

Report this image
10 8.1

Report this image
8 8.0

Photographs with the lowest ratings

Image Number of Ratings Mean Rating

Report this image
9 1.0

Report this image
273 1.054945054945055

Report this image
116 1.103448275862069

Report this image
194 1.1185567010309287

Report this image
8 1.125

Report this image
80 1.1750000000000005

Report this image
71 1.2253521126760563

Report this image
8 1.25

Report this image
8 1.25

Report this image
8 1.25